Marina Pacilio
Jellyfish ChickadeesMothsLuna MothsMirageFirefliesSubmerged ISubmerged IISubmerged IIIMilkweed HuskWinter GrassowlemergeDibden Gallery IDibden Gallery IIDibden Gallery IIIDibden Gallery IV
The paintings in this body of work are a combination of deliberate planning and happenstance, resulting from applying may layers of dilute washes and allowing them to dry in the creases and bumps of the canvas. These washes often create unusual and unexpected patterns and pigment separation. It is my goal to unify both the spontaneous and the intentional aspects of these paintings.

Many of my paintings reference my dreams and reveries. When I'm in a state of inattention or preoccupation these whimsical images come to me. These fantasies of mine often have unusual juxtapositions between seemingly incongruent images. I often paint myself nude to show the vulnerability and exposure I feel by putting these images on display. I reference water and submersion in many paintings; underwater I am cocooned and safe, surrounded by silent solitude. The blue palette I often use refers to water and its illusory quality and also suggests calmness and melancholy.